Lease 3-room apartment (9183-898)

Obolonskiy, Kyiv city
Geroev Dnepra, 35 str.
3 room, 7/9, 70 / 50 / 10 m2
8 000 грн. per month per object / 114 грн. per m2

Kod ob ekta: 65. Otlichnaya 3-komnatnaya kvartira s razdelnymi komnaty na Geroev Dnepra,do metro Geroev Dnepra 2-3 minuty peshkom. V kvartire vypolnen remont pod sebya. Kachestvennaya mebel i tehnika. Spalnya, detskaya, gostinaya i kuhnya. V spalne dvuspalnaya krovat s ortopedicheskim matrasom, spalnyy garnitur, tryumo. V gostinoy sovremennaya stenka, kozhanyy divan i 2 kozhanyh kresla. V detskoy krovat polutornaya, detskaya stenka-shkaf i stol. V koridore bolshoy vstroennyy shkaf-kupe na vsyu stenu. Kuhnya vstroennaya, posudomoechnaya mashina, holodilnik. San uzly razdelnye, oblitsovany sovremennym kafelem. Ochen teplaya kvartira!!! Za domom magazin "Kishenya". Vo dvore detskaya ploschadka, do metro rukoy podat. Pervaya sdacha!

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: 7-yy, type of the building: secondary market. Type of rent - monthly, total floor area - 70 sq.m., living floor area - 50 sq.m., kitchen - 10 sq.m., internet prisutstvuet. Technical condition - western-style renovation. The cost is eight thousandhryvnia. Information about the region of the property: Geroev Dnepra, 35 str., Obolonskiy, Kyiv city. This advertisement was published by realtor and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on rent apartments published Today 2024-06-03. When communicating on this announcement, please specify that you found this ad on our site real estate Dom2000. Thank you in advance!

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Lease 3-room apartment - Героев Днепра, 35 str., Obolonskiy (9183-898) |

The photo apartments 9183-898

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