Lease shop (8981-554)

Obolonskiy, Kyiv city
Ozernaya, 1
1 room, 3/3, 10 m2 (total)
1 550 грн. per month per object / 155 грн. per m2

Kod ob ekta: 515. Ofisy v arendu na Oboloni. Ozernaya 1.

KPP, ohrana, parkovka.

Ofisy ot 10 kv.m. Tsena 155grn/m2. V nalichii raznye ploschadi. Trebuyut remonta, obsuzhdayutsya skidki/ kanikuly i t.p.

Ofisy v otaplivaemom 3-h etazhnom administrativnom zdanii. Kommunikatsii: holodnaya voda, otoplenie, internet, elektrichestvo( est vozmozhnost ustanovki otdelnogo schetchika), san uzly.

Kruglosutochnyy dostup.

Yur.litso platelschik NDS.

Est vozmozhnost registratsii yur.adresa.

Tak zhe est zheleznye boksy pod sklad.

V nalichii ploschadi: 19,4/66.4/24.8/12.2/19.8/25.4/10

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - tretiy, type of rent - monthly. V nalichii internet, technical condition: western-style renovation. The cost is one thousand five hundred fiftyhryvnia. Location of object Ozernaya, 1, Obolonskiy, Kyiv city. Property info was posted by broker and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on rent shop published Today 2024-06-08. Please report what you've found this ad at the real estate portal Dom2000. Thank you in advance.

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Today views: 1

Lease shop - Озерная, 1, Obolonskiy (8981-554) |

The photo shop 8981-554

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