Lease 6-room apartment (10623-983)

Pechersk, Pecherskiy, Kyiv city
Lesi Ukrayinki bul., 7b
6 room, 20/27, 410 / 220 / 22 m2
52 800 грн. per month per object / 132 грн. per m2

Unikalniy chotiririvneviy penthaus z zahoplyuyuchim krayevidom na Kiyiv, originalniy avtorskiy dizayn z vikoristannyam suchasnih tehnologiy ta visokoyakisnih materialiv (sistema "rozumniy budinok"), vdale funktsionalne planuvannya: kuhnya-yidalnya, 3 spalni, kabinet, kalyanna, 5 sanvuzliv, garderobna, trenazherna zala; diyuchiy kamin, stilni elementi dekoru (lyustri Svarovski), sauna, zimoviy sad Virtualniy tur:

Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,Spetsproekt 2006-2010 rr

Kod ob'yektu: L-30937

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: 20-yy, type of the building: secondary market, type of rent: monthly. Total floor area: 410 sq.m., living floor area: 220 sq.m., kitchen: 22 sq.m., rooms arrangement : separate, refrigerator: no. Type of the building - spetsproekt, wall material - brick, ceiling type - reinforced-concrete. The cost is two thousanddollars. Location of object Lesi Ukrayinki bul. 7b, Pechersk, Pecherskiy, Kyiv city. This advertisement was published by realtor and imported into the portal. Personal ad on rent apartments posted Today 2024-06-03. Please mention Dom2000 site while referring to this ad. Thanks!

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Real Estate Agency «Park Lane (Park Leyn)», Kolesnik Olena Sergiyivna  +38 044 ********** show
Lease 6-room apartment - Лесі Українки бул., 7б, Pechersk (10623-983) |

The photo apartments 10623-983

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